Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Our Best Meal in Rome

We saved the best for last.  Friday was our last day in Rome before an early departure on Saturday morning.  I had read about a pizzeria not far from our hotel and it was on my top 10 list of things to do in Rome.  That is saying a lot, since there is so much to see and do in Rome.  I was a bit apprehensive, since I had read such rave reviews about this place that I was afraid it was like the movie that everyone says is a must see and you get your expectations up, only to be disappointed.  Surely, I was setting myself up to be let down.

I am happy to report that I was wrong.  It was even better than anticipated.  The pizzeria is Pinsere, and it lives up to its great online reviews.  My mother, who is not a pizza fan,

Standing is your only option at Pinsere.
loved it and like me, claims it is the best pizza she has ever ate.  (My previous nomination for this title is Lombardi's in New York).  The toppings are very unusual and the pizzas are slightly oval, not round.  We selected two and shared, which was more than we could eat.  The price was great at 5.00 for one selection and 5.50 for the other (euros of course, not dollars) and for 10.50 euros it was the very best meal we ate in Rome.

Don't expect fancy dining.  After getting your hot pizza you eat standing up either inside or out, and even then there are only a few places to stand with little shelves.

Mom and I split our two selections.
  The guys running the place are very nice and will help you decide what to eat and speak English well enough to cater to tourist, though I think this is more of a "local" place.  Given the great reviews, I am sure it gets its fair share of us tourist though.

We went early, and got there right around noon and it was not crowded.  However, by 1 pm this place had a line out the door and down the street.  Do yourself a favor, and go early. 

After eating this slice of heaven on a plate (seriously, it was delicious) we went to the restaurant across the street called La Grande Belleazza Ristorante.   We wanted to sit and people watch.  This is how we saw the lines start forming at Pinsere.  We ordered a cherry pie, which was more like a tart, and house red wine.  I know little about wines, except the tiny bit I gleaned from our wine tasting vineyard tour the week before, but the wine with the pie paired very well in my opinion and was the perfect end to the best pizza we'd ever ate across the street. 

There is a hotel a couple doors down from Pinsere.  Mom and I stepped in and checked it out thinking that on our next trip we might want to book at this hotel to be that close to the best pizza ever.  We are half serious about this...I

I highly recommend Pinsere for your trip to Rome.  Even if it is slightly out of the way from your hotel, be sure to take the time to look this up.  Top it off with dessert and wine across the street.  It may just be your best meal in Rome! 

The restaurant we stopped for dessert after the perfect pizza for cherry pie and perfectly paired house red wine.  We sat outside and watched the crowds form around Pinsere.

The selection of pizza on the day we visited.  We selected a two different pizzas.  One had pumpkin on it.  Both were delicious.

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